Thursday, October 29, 2015

October 29, 2015

St. Augustine Lighthouse

 If you stand in a little parking lot across from the St. Augustine Lighthouse and aim up through the palms, you can grab this framed view that I particularly like. The lighthouse’s pattern and color scheme, a pop of red above the mundane black and white, makes it particularly photogenic. Hard to imagine it’s been standing for 144 years. Think of it . . . just six years after the end of the Civil War, when men wore cravats and bowlers on their daily strolls and women sashayed about in bustles, this beautiful piece of architecture came into being.

Colonial Quarter

I may have mentioned that Colonial Quarter is one of my favorite attractions, easily accessed by St. George Street and well worth a visit. This view shows the “17TH Century Spanish Fortified Town”, giving a glimpse of life in “San Agustín” in the pirate-infested 1600s. I don’t imagine the town was a very nice place back then . . . pirates weren’t the only worry, with storms, floods, epidemics, British settlers from up north, and hostile Indians being added to the list. And if you weren’t Spanish and Catholic, you might as well move on (or perhaps run for your life if circumstances so dictated). I love these glimpses into history. I’m sure glad I can visit from the comfort of the 21ST century, though . . . and that I won’t face a mob of angry townsfolk when I wear my Huguenot cross :-)

(c) 2015 St. Augustine Fridays

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